Saturday, November 23, 2019

Take a tour of the Aurora Cannabis production facility (in 4K)

Stop Arresting Smokers

HISTORIC: A bill to end marijuana prohibition just passed

HISTORIC: A bill to end marijuana prohibition just passed

Industrial Hemp Farms™ Cannabis | CBD | Top Shelf Bud

Industrial Hemp Farms™  Cannabis |  CBD  |  Top Shelf Bud  | A TruckerTwotimes™ Approved 🌿Herb Company

Bud Of Cannabis
TruckerTwotimes™ Industrial Hemp FarmsHemp Cannabis Bud with TruckerTwotimes™ Presents:
Natural Medicine From God
Indoor Lifter Bud

Indoor Lifter Premium CBD, Hemp, Flower [Bud] (FIRE!)
$5.99 per gram – $900.00 per pound

Birthday Cake Cannabis Strain
Birthday Cake Strain Bud
Birthday Cake CBD Hemp Flower (23.6% Cannabinoids!)
$3.99 per gram – $324.99

Indoor Suver Haze Premium CBD Hemp Flower (FIRE!)

Click Here To Visit---> TruckerTwotimes™ Bud Shop

Top Shelf $5.99 per gram – $900.00

  • Indoor Grown
  • Machine Trimmed
  • Lime Green, Orange Hairs
  • Dank Smell
  • 18.00% Total Cannabinoids
  • Seedless Flower
  • 0.04% Delta-9 THC
I AM TRUCKERTWOTIMES!™ TruckerTwotimes Blog

Tokyo Premium Indoor Bud  |  Fruity Pebbles Premium Bud
click here to order

QUALITY BUD, BEST PRICE, U BET 🙋  ©2019 truckertwotimes told ya that :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


TruckerTwotimes™ Photos 2019
Good Morning!

Highway 420

Sheila and Jeff at the Huddle House

Jesus Walking On Water
saved pic from Slab City CA Video on youtube

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Daily Source Code 863 With Adam Curry Released Content ~epic F.U.B.A.R. Frieday

Bringing Back The Art Of Radio ~ The way it used to be released for Public Sharing
This Is #AdamCurry Adam Currys Podcast from somewhere around 2007 DRM rights management released Oct. 2019
ENJOY!  The Show!  F.U.B.A.R. #863

A Blast From The Past With Adam Curry The Podfather (Founder) of Podcasting, This Audio is the Daily Source Code (DSC 863, Daily Source Code 863) Fubar Friday Bitcoin Blast Off! ! ! IT'S FRIEDay Boys and Girls with Adam Curry enjoy this Audio Podcast from the better days, Adam was an influence in TruckerTom and My Podcasting which reached millions of peoples lives through out the years.
Podcasting made and does make still today peoples travels and time doing anything more enjoyable like Broadcasting, Podcasting is an Audio production. ~no transmitters needed :)

Original Post location:
The TruckerTwotimes Show™

Snoop Dogg Truckers Country Music and more from: TruckerTwotimes Promotions™


��I AM TRUCKERTWOTIMES ™️��: Truckin In TeXas & Snoop Dogg Country Version & More:)

I Am TruckerTwotimes!™

TruckerTwotimes demonstrates the Top Puff©

The TruckerTwotimes Show™ On Vimeo

TruckerTwotimes Vimeo Videos

~Interesting Post I came across on LinkedIn

Hook up with me, TruckerTwotimes on linkedin man :)
TruckerTwotimes™ On Linkedin
TruckerTwotimes™ Pic from Road King Magazine
TruckerTwotimes™ Road King Magazine

NEW August 2019 The TruckerTwotimes Show™ Is BaaacK On YouTube

Thursday, November 14, 2019



Trippy from Jeff Forester / TruckerTwotimes on Vimeo.
just trippy


The TruckerTwotimes Show™ Podcasts



Saturday, November 2, 2019


Let the government take a bow Who’s the pusher now!

Master, Music & Video Licensing: Stephen Aristei
Creative Talent Management / The Rights Company / 424-206-9286

The Drug Wars are a political joke and have hurt and unnecessarily incarcerated millions of Americans for too long.
The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was a travesty...a mistake...propaganda...Check out this song..  ~share it...

Legalize Marijuana NOW! 

Stop proliferation of private prisons.
Stop the hypocrisy of the Federal Government from incarcerating people for fallacious Marijuana laws, while at the same time providing legal protection for deadly pharmaceutical drugs that kill hundreds of thousands of people every year.

Who’s The Pusher Now
©2012 Ellen Bukstel (co-writers Nick Annis & Brett Segal)

Back round 1935... Depression ridin high
People trying to have some fun... smokin’ dope and opium
Government did what they do best... makin’ a mess
Made a crime that’s victimless... criminalizing cannabis

And the big drug money machine... sells Oxy and Morphine
Legals Drug get us hooked... a million deaths overlooked
Methadone... Fentynal... Halcion... Phenopbarbitol
Let the government take a bow... Who’s the pusher now!

Follow the corporate money trail... while decent people rot in jail
Guarantee full occupancy... for private prison industry
Caught up in a livin’ hell.. with a couple a million prison cells
And government hypocracy... payin’ for modern slavery

And the big drug money machine... sells Oxy and Morphine
Federal laws still protect... drugs with deadly side affects
Percoset... Thorazine... Opiates... Amphetamine
Let the government take a bow... Who’s the pusher now!

War on drugs... a political joke... lockin’ us up for smoking dope
No reason for doing time... with a punishment ...when there ain't no crime

No cartels are runnin beer... prohibition made it clear
When you turn a market black... it’s hard to turn it back
When government gets behind the gun... IRS is never done
Our taxes pay the FDA... so the DEA can put us away

And the government drug money machine... runs like its on Dexadrine
Politicians legislate... so they can mass incarcerate
Look at the human cost... personal rights gettin tossed
Let the government take a bow... Who’s the pusher now!


While the big drug money machine... Sells Oxy and Morphine
Cannabis guaranteed ... harmless as a garden weed
When your body gives you pain....smoke some medical Maryjane
Let the government take a bow... Let the government take a bow
Who’s the pusher now!

Be heard, join #NORML and do something to educate. ~TruckerTwotimes
I AM TRUCKERTWOTIMES™ (truckertwotimes)

Motorcycle Riding Giphy

this is a motorcycle ride giphy #motorcyclegify #ride